Dandy: Bike-Share App
Academic Project | Timeline: 4 weeks

Design a visual identity and high-fidelity prototypes for a mobile app and landing page for a bike-share app based upon the proto-persona provided by instructor.
Core Needs/Goals
     • Becky has limited time to get around the city, but doesn't want to walk
     • She does not have a car and is looking for alternative transportation options
     • Grocery shopping can be hard with the bags and distance to her apartment
     • She values exercise and wants to bike to stay in shape
     • She is an exchange student and wants to explore the city
     • She is sociable and values meeting new people with like interests
     • She is new to the area and has a hard time finding specific areas
     • She does not know where to go to meet new people
     • The space and cost of owning a car or her own bike is limited

High-Fidelity Landing Page Prototype

High-Fidelity App Prototype

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