Academic Project | Timeline: 4 weeks | Internal Ownership: Lauren Rutter + Rylee Williams

Observe an existing experience from multiple perspectives, articulate it through an experience map, and evaluate strengths and weaknesses.
Form a "design pair" with another student. Together, you will be co-responsible for generating an individual outcome. Identify a transactional experience and map a customer/patron/user's journey through it. You can pick any customer experience but we suggest focusing on those that happen in 1.) a restaurant, 2.) a grocery store, or 3.) a library. The experience can happen virtually (online purchase) or physically but needs to culminate in the person acquiring a physical 'thing' in the end.
You need to observe the experience and document it from the perspective of two distinct groups. One can be you, or 'target' persona. The other should be someone who is differently-abled than you.
Problem Space
Constructed in what hailed as the largest Coca-Cola bottling facility in the world, Bottleworks District is an entertainment conglomerate located in downtown Indianapolis. The facility features a variety of dining, entertainment, and retail options. Among the most prominent are Bottleworks Hotel, Garage Food Hall, and Pins Mechanical Bowling.​​​​​​​
We selected anxiety as our distinct user perspective and chose Bottleworks as the location of our transactional experience due to the heavy foot-traffic, bustling atmosphere, and sensory stimuli of the various facilities. 
While our experience included touchpoints throughout Bottleworks, the majority of our experience map took place within Pins and the Garage, as they require many interactions that can cause stress and social anxiety even for those that don't suffer from more extreme forms of anxiety. 
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